Bring some awe into your classroom. The Science Learning Hub has developed a suite of resources designed to grow Aotearoa New Zealand students' interest in space. Join us to discover ways to ...
READ MOREIn this online PD session recorded in August 2015, secondary school teacher Steve Chrystall describes how he uses the Science Learning Hub’s satellites and rocket resources to teach space and ...
READ MOREThe Science Learning Hub has lots of resources for primary teachers related to the night sky in the Planet Earth and Beyond strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. The night sky is fascinating to ...
READ MOREPosition: Senior Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury. Field: System design, embedded systems, software engineering, Organisation: As a child, Dr ...
READ MOREPosition: Director, Gateway Antarctica, and Professor, School of Earth and Environment, University of Canterbury. Field: Glaciology and remote sensing Dr Wolfgang Rack, a senior lecturer and ...
READ MOREPosition: Professor and Associate Head, School of Physical & Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury. Former Director of Gateway Antarctica. Field: Atmospheric physics Dr Adrian McDonald ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students use a simple true or false interactive tool to categorise facts. This activity could be used as a formative activity to gather students prior knowledge and ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students observe how the Moon appears to move across the sky each hour, as well as over several days. They discuss how both the rotation of the Earth as well as the satellite ...
READ MOREDo you think that the space industry is limited to astronauts and billionaires? If so, you need to think again! You can have so many careers in aerospace. If you look at what most astronauts do ...
READ MOREDr Allan McInnes discusses his role in helping NASA design the Mars exploration rovers. He was responsible for ensuring all of the different parts fit together and did their jobs! Points of ...
READ MOREDr Allan McInnes explains why satellites need large rockets to launch them into orbit and why many satellites are launched from near the equator. Point of interest: A satellite in an equatorial ...
READ MOREDr Allan McInnes tells us about forces acting on satellites once they are in orbit, how to keep a satellite in orbit and the purpose of a graveyard orbit. Points of interest: The US Federal ...
READ MOREChoose a mission and then successfully build and launch a satellite that can help gather the data required. Select here for additional information on using this interactive simulation.
READ MOREThis slideshow, from the webinar Aotearoa in space, provides additional support for the video tutorial. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here for the ...
READ MOREThe size, orbit and design of a satellite depend on its purpose. In this interactive, scientists discuss the functions of various satellites and orbits. Accompanying fact files provide ...