Poisonous creatures are fascinating – from a distance. New Zealand is often touted as a good place for people to live because it’s free from seriously poisonous plants and animals – or so we ...
READ MOREPoisons are substances that cause harm to organisms when sufficient quantities are absorbed, inhaled or ingested. A toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms ...
READ MOREAll living things depend on one another to live. Animals eat plants and/or animals to survive. Food webs describe the feeding connections between organisms in an ecosystem. The three main groups ...
READ MOREThis activity is designed to help students become aware that all substances are made of chemicals and that chemicals are made up of a combination of elements. By the end of this activity ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students explore the processes scientists used to analyse and identify the toxic substance responsible for dog deaths on Auckland beaches. By the end of this activity, students ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students consider the use of mice for bioassays and in establishing the lethal dose when researching/testing toxins. They consider the rights and responsibilities of all those ...
READ MOREIn this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool will build your knowledge and confidence to teach the particle nature of matter – a key concept in the New Zealand science ...
READ MOREThere are over 150,000 substances approved for use in Aotearoa New Zealand that contain an estimated 30,000 chemicals. We use chemicals on a daily basis – they’re all around us. Chemicals are not ...
READ MOREPaul McNabb of the Cawthron Institute in Nelson describes the system they use to monitor shellfish safety. He explains how toxins are detected in shellfish using liquid chromatography-mass ...
READ MOREPaul McNabb provides a short explanation on how an LC-MS functions.
READ MOREDr Susie Wood of the Cawthron Institute in Nelson talks about how toxic grey side-gilled sea slugs are. She explains that not all these sea slugs are toxic. It seems that North Island slugs are ...
READ MOREThis interactive demonstrates bioaccumulation of marine toxins. It shows how toxins move through a marine food web.
READ MOREThis slideshow supports the Chemistry made simple – atoms PLD webinar. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here for the download option.
READ MOREThis timeline explores the history and science of mammalian pest control in New Zealand. A full transcript is underneath the timeline.