In this online PD session recorded on 15 October 2015, primary school teacher Kim MacPherson talks about the Science Learning Hub’s resources – Conserving native birds – and how she used a ...
READ MOREActive reading is an important activity for making meaning during the process of science inquiry (Osborne, 2010). The integration of science and literacy can enhance student learning in both ...
READ MOREThis research brief focuses on how one secondary school teacher used a Science Learning Hub activity to develop her year 9 students’ science and literacy skills. For this, she used a variety of ...
READ MOREAotearoa New Zealand faces a wicked problem – do we kill introduced pests or do we allow them to kill our native animals, damage our forests and endanger our primary industries? While most New ...
READ MOREThis level 4 Connected article provides an introduction to big data and the internet of things and how they are used to address air pollution in Christchurch. The article explains how a research ...
READ MOREOur world faces a growing number of complex issues. As citizens, we have a responsibility to make informed decisions on issues like sustainability, health and wellbeing and more. The scientific ...
READ MOREPlant reproduction is a topic that lends itself to many areas within the junior and middle school curriculum. This teacher resource provides a number of literacy and numeracy links to New Zealand ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students use observation to explore earthworm anatomy and the nature of science. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: identify various physical ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students use a three-level reading guide to locate information about the role of observation in science from the text of an article. They interpret what the text means and then ...
READ MOREAlthough earthworms are classified as animals, their bodies are quite different to animals that live above the ground. This video highlights some of the interesting physical characteristics ...
READ MOREThis animated video from Flight Plastics (now called Pact Packaging) follows Barry, a water bottle, as he journeys from the recycling bin to a new life as a recycled food container.
READ MOREVideo recording on the Fostering literacy through primary science webinar.
READ MOREThis slideshow, from the webinar Fostering literacy through primary science classroom, provides additional support for the video tutorial. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including ...
READ MOREThis slideshow, from the webinar Science through picturebooks, provides additional support for the video tutorial. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go ...
READ MOREThis slideshow, from the webinar Picturebooks for Matariki, provides additional support for the video tutorial. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here ...