Rongoā is the traditional Māori healing system. Rongoā is a holistic practice that often includes using the medicinal properties of Aotearoa New Zealand native plants. Rights: Creative Commons ...
READ MORENew Zealand is a nation of potato lovers. We love our spuds, and for many of us, they are a key source of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. We’re also very efficient potato growers – growing ...
READ MOREKōwhai trees litter the banks of rivers and streams and are a popular choice as a border for new roading developments around Aotearoa. Not only are they a beautiful addition to our gardens and ...
READ MOREChallenge students to explore and observe kōwhai trees with a particular focus on the seeds. Initially, students may only notice the seed pods hanging from the kōwhai trees, but after some ...
READ MOREAn important aspect of students’ scientific investigations and inquiry learning is summarising their findings. This activity gives students the opportunity to share their learning through the ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students discuss the importance of observation in science. They are given the opportunity to observe harakeke and record their observations. It is important to seek knowledge ...
READ MOREIn this online citizen science (OCS) project, participants analyse electron microscope images taken of a range of biological samples, helping scientists better understand cancer, infectious ...
READ MOREHelp this global project to develop a faster test for antibiotic resistance by looking inside bacteria that have been treated with antibiotics. This will improve healthcare for patients with ...
READ MOREBy comparing some features of fossilised plants with the same features of plants living today, scientists hope to be able to learn more about the effect of changing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in ...
READ MOREThe Science Learning Hub has a selection of resources that have been translated into te reo Māori and a number of resources that feature both te reo Māori and English. Our webinar Opportunities ...
READ MOREIn this recorded professional learning session Chloe Stantiall and Greta Dromgool share their experiences exploring mātauranga as pākehā educators in English medium classrooms. Chloe Stantiall is ...
READ MOREOur bodies have a defence system against pathogens that make us sick. This defence system is made up of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect us. It is known as the immune ...
READ MORERongoā practitioner Rob McGowan tells us about some of the key wetland plants used to promote natural health. Rob also provides additional insights about rongoā and wellness. Points of interest ...
READ MORENew Zealanders are a nation of potato lovers. We also have a thriving export market for our potatoes. Unfortunately, the tomato/potato psyllid pest is costing our commercial potato industry ...
READ MORETāhuri Whenua supports Māori growing taewa and other traditional Māori crops such as kūmara and kānga. Regular hui bring the growers together to share information and resources. This is helping ...
READ MOREAn interactive that shows how early Māori used different fungi for food and medicine.
READ MOREThis Slideshow, from the webinar Exploring mātauranga in the classroom, provides additional support for the video tutorial.
READ MOREThis interactive explains the different cells, microorganisms and molecules involved in the human immune system. Click on the labels for more information. Select here to view the full transcript ...