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  • Noke (worm), Kōura (freshwater crayfish) and Ruru (owl)
    Rights: Manatārua: Te noke, Scott Bartlam; te kōura, Tākuta Ian Kusabs; te ruru, Janice McKenna. Nō roto mai i Te Reo o Te Repo – The Voice of the Wetland. Published 20 August 2020 Size: 600 KB Referencing Hub media

    Kāore i tua atu i ngā mōhiotanga o te iwi kāinga ina whakaritea he kaupapa whakaora taiao, kia tiakina ai ngā uara o te iwi e ana ki ngā taonga o te taiao (hei tauira, te kōura, te ruru, te kawau, te noke). Mā konei hoki e toitū ai te pūnaha hauropi, ngā nōhanga, ngā momo e aro nuitia ana me ērā atu rauropi.

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