Recorded webinar for teacher PLD.
Includes the following fun activities:
This Building Science Concepts article and interactive focuses on sound – how it moves and how we hear it. Perfect for NZC levels 1 and 2 and younger.
This is a partial replication of the New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Building Science Concepts Book 18 Exploring Sound: Using Sound-makers and Musical Instruments. The article and interactive cover the science notes provided in the original BSC book.
This interactive explores the sequential and interlinking concepts that underpin knowledge about sound, sound waves and music.
The links to Hub resources provide additional background information and classroom activities that will support teachers to scaffold the development of their students’ conceptual understanding about sound and how it travels. The activities provide a means to initiate discussions, check student thinki
Simple exploratory activities and questions to experience and build an understanding of sound. Use this NZC level 1 and 2 activity to learn a few fundamentals of sound.
This article expands on the 3 main things needed for sound to be heard.
Consider a simplified version of this activity for Level 1 and 2 children.
Use this NZC level 1 and 2 activity to learn about vibrations and sound via a string.
Teachers may want to use this activity as PLD then try a simple version in their classroom.
This article is Level 4 – consider using the images to start discussions and support children's understanding of how sound travels.
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Click to add note
Click to add note
You can use this image to support language development.
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Explore how musical instruments make sounds by making some simple instruments of your own – a great way to learn Physical World concepts through play. Experience how striking, blowing, plucking and scraping create sounds and how these sounds can come together to make music. For NZC level 1 and 2.
Use this fun activity to make a soundscape with your class.
Create and use a Māori musical instrument to investigate the link between movement and sound. Science, technology and art in one engaging package! For NZC level 1 and 2 .