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  • Rights: © Copyright 2014. University of Waikato. All Rights Reserved.
    Published 29 April 2014 Referencing Hub media

    In this video, Dr Steven Matthews pays tribute to Holster Engineering, which, amongst other things, specialises in a wide range of metal1 spray applications. Over many years, the company has had a good working relationship.


    Our work with Holster Engineering started in the mid 90s. Now Holsters have been one of the driving forces for metal spray technology in New Zealand for a very, very long time. They were one of the first companies in the world to purchase a new thermal spray technology called high-velocity air fuel2 spraying.

    Now at the time, not very much was known about the technique in terms of operating parameters3 or what benefits it would bring in terms of coating quality, and so Holsters approached Auckland University with the idea of getting some of the staff to carry our research using this new technology to benchmark it against other existing techniques. And with that, a PhD4 student started in the mid to late 90s, and that was the first kind of collaborative work, and from there, the research has built on itself.

    I’ve been incredibly lucky in returning to New Zealand to be able to carry out my thermal spray research here. The equipment that’s involved, not only in terms of the plasma5 spray equipment but also all of the ancillary equipment and the safety equipment, is extremely capital intensive. And it’s very cost prohibitive to try and install these kind of systems at a university. Similarly, the knowledge that’s involved from a technical point of view to not only run the equipment but to maintain the equipment, there’s a lot of knowledge required to change all of the consumable parts, do it safely, operate the gun safely, prepare all the substrates6.

    Holsters have been incredibly supportive in allowing me to come down here and carry out experiments using their equipment. Without them, I simply would not be able to carry out any research at all.

    Dr Steven Matthews, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Auckland
    Bruce Martin and Aaron Martin, Holster Engineering Ltd, Tokoroa

    1. metal: Any of a category of elements that usually have a shiny surface, are generally good conductors of heat and electricity and can be melted or fused, hammered into thin sheets or drawn into wires (for example, copper).
    2. fuel: 1. A combustible substance that provides energy. 2. A body fuel such as fat, carbohydrates and protein that supplies energy for animals’ activities.
    3. parameters: Limits of measurement.
    4. PhD: Abbreviation of Doctor of Philosophy – a degree normally obtained after a concentrated period of research. This is the highest level of degree that involves supervision by academic staff at a university.
    5. plasma: 1. The fourth state of matter – a gas that is ionised and consists of positive and negative ions (or particles), with no overall charge. It is affected by magnetic fields and has high electrical conductivity. 2. The colourless or pale yellow liquid in blood and lymph.
    6. substrate: 1. In ecology, the surface or sediment where an organism lives and grows. 2. In biochemistry, the substance on which an enzyme works.
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    2. Any of a category of elements that usually have a shiny surface, are generally good conductors of heat and electricity and can be melted or fused, hammered into thin sheets or drawn into wires (for example, copper).


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    4. Abbreviation of Doctor of Philosophy – a degree normally obtained after a concentrated period of research. This is the highest level of degree that involves supervision by academic staff at a university.


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    6. 1. A combustible substance that provides energy. 2. A body fuel such as fat, carbohydrates and protein that supplies energy for animals’ activities.


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    8. 1. The fourth state of matter – a gas that is ionised and consists of positive and negative ions (or particles), with no overall charge. It is affected by magnetic fields and has high electrical conductivity.

      2. The colourless or pale yellow liquid in blood and lymph.


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    10. Limits of measurement.


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    12. 1. In ecology, the surface or sediment where an organism lives and grows.

      2. In biochemistry, the substance on which an enzyme works.