In this animated video, Te Ariki lays down a challenge to learn from our tūpuna and become kaitiaki of our local environment. Taking action is an important part of any investigation. Wanting to take action means you have developed a sense of agency. Taking action to help birdlife can be as small or large as you want – it all makes a difference! You could plant trees in your backyard or write a letter to the local council to protect certain local habitat – or you might take part in the New Zealand Garden Bird Survey.
Now that we have gathered lots of information about the birds in our area, what do we do with it? How does the data we have gathered make you feel? Are there any actions we can take to protect the manu living in our rohe? What can be done to bring more birds back?
- Taking action for our birds – article
- Taking action for conservation – PLD webinar
- Planning pathways using conservation resources – article
- Predator Free 2050 vision – article
- Bringing back the birdsong – activity
I mōhio ō tātou tūpuna me pēhea te noho tahi me te taiao. I tiaki rātou tō tatou taiao hei tāonga mo ngā rangatira o apōpō. Me pupuri tātou ki ēnei kōrero hei tiaki, hei manaaki i tō tātou taiao.
Our tūpuna knew how to live with the environment and look after our natural resources for future generations. We can learn so much from our tūpuna on how to be better kaitiaki. Let’s use the knowledge you’ve learnt to look after and protect our environment.
This video was produced in collaboration with Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research. A special thank you to Te Ariki for providing the voiceover.