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  • Rights: University of Waikato
    Published 17 September 2009 Referencing Hub media



    When these animals reproduce, they release a free-swimming stage – it’s a microscopic larval1 stage – and that is in the water column2, moving around for weeks or months, depending on what species3 you’re dealing with. And that’s a way that the animal can basically colonise different areas. It releases the larvae4, they get washed away, then they settle out and turn into little starfish and grow up.

    1. larval: The immature or juvenile form of some animals.
    2. water column: The vertical section of water between the freshwater or ocean floor and the surface.
    3. species: (Abbreviation sp. or spp.) A division used in the Linnean system of classification or taxonomy. A group of living organisms that can interbreed to produce viable offspring.
    4. larva: An immature form that some animals (such as insects, crustaceans and amphibians) pass through before metamorphosing into an adult form.
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    2. The immature or juvenile form of some animals.


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    4. An immature form that some animals (such as insects, crustaceans and amphibians) pass through before metamorphosing into an adult form.

      water column

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    6. The vertical section of water between the freshwater or ocean floor and the surface.


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    8. (Abbreviation sp. or spp.) A division used in the Linnean system of classification or taxonomy. A group of living organisms that can interbreed to produce viable offspring.