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  • Rights: University of Waikato
    Published 18 November 2011 Referencing Hub media


    Bob Elliott - Living Cell Technologies

    It’s a simple procedure to put them in, takes about 10 minutes. Under an anaesthetic1, a tube’s passed into the belly and the cells just literally run in. There’s no real surgical procedure apart from placing the tube inside the abdomen.

    Peter Hosking - Living Cell Technologies

    After the cells are implanted, all the patients that receive them are monitored very closely. Clearly what we’re wanting to see is a reduction in their insulin2 dosage. We also want to see a reduction in their hypoglycaemic episodes and better control of their blood sugar, and all those things can be monitored by our clinical programme.

    Acknowledgement: PRN Films

    1. anaesthetic: A drug used to prevent people from feeling pain. It can affect the whole body (general) or a particular part (local).
    2. insulin: A hormone produced in the pancreas that controls blood sugar levels.
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    2. A drug used to prevent people from feeling pain. It can affect the whole body (general) or a particular part (local).


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    4. A hormone produced in the pancreas that controls blood sugar levels.