What better way to motivate year 7 and 8 boys to learn than by studying fire? Dian Edmondson and her colleagues at Nelson College Preparatory School used the Science Learning Hub's fire resources ...
READ MOREAs science and technology advance, ethical issues are brought to the fore not only for scientists and technologists but also for the general public. The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) reflects this ...
READ MOREStudents carry out a practical investigation to help AgResearch scientists monitor the spread of Microctonus aethiopoides (a tiny wasp) and its success as a biocontrol agent for clover root ...
READ MOREScientists think that about 14 billion years ago (that is a 14 followed by 9 zeros), this universe came into being through the Big Bang. This is described in the Big Bang theory. It is thought ...
READ MOREIn 1995, New Zealand became the second country in the world to collect and store DNA profiles in a databank. Since then, forensic scientists and Police have used the national DNA Profile Databank ...
READ MOREIn this activity, students develop critical thinking through ethical discussion of the question: Should chemical fire retardants be added to furniture? By the end of this activity, students ...
READ MOREAotearoa New Zealand has a developing space industry that employs people from around the motu. Our space industry encompasses: people who model atmospheric greenhouse gases and agricultural ...
READ MOREAotearoa New Zealand has one of the highest cat ownership rates in the world. Nearly 40% of households have at least one cat – for the most part, we’re fond of our cats. Unfortunately, domestic ...
READ MOREThis video compares the burning of a synthetic sofa with the burning of a sofa that has fire-retardant features - It has a woollen fabric covering and contains combustion-modified foam (foam with ...
READ MOREPeter Hall from Scion explains why we need large quantities of carbon neutral energy. Energy is everywhere. Anything we eat or use has energy embodied in it. Every object we produce required ...
READ MOREPeter Hall from Scion discusses New Zealand’s energy demands and what we should think as a country about how to reduce our carbon footprint. A country’s economic growth is closely linked to how ...
READ MOREA slideshow of weeds and the adaptations that make them problematic in a New Zealand setting. Use the Slideshow menu for further options, including view full screen, and go here for the download ...
READ MOREThis interactive provides an introduction to te ao Māori concepts within the context of animal ethics. Click on the labels for information about the concepts. Select here to view the full ...
READ MOREUse this interactive graphic organiser to explore your personal views about cats being allowed to roam wherever they wish. Place each statement card where you feel it belongs. There are no right ...