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  • In this activity, students use water to explore its properties as a solid, liquid or gas.

    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato

    Water in its three states of matter

    Water behaves differently to most other substances because, in its solid state (ice), its particles are less densely packed than in its liquid state. This is why ice floats.

    By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

    • identify one or more characteristics of water in its solid state (ice)
    • identify one or more characteristics of water in its liquid state (water)
    • identify that gas is also a state of matter.

    Download the Word file (see link below) for:

    • introduction/background notes
    • what you need
    • what to do
    • extension ideas
    • student handout.
    Interactive image map with links to 3 short videos on Water, focusing on solid, liquid and gasA video about ice. A video about liquid water.A video about water vapour.

    Water: solid, liquid and gas

    This interactive explores water as a solid, liquid and gas. The water molecules stay the same, but they behave differently as they change from one form to another. Click on the labels for more information.

    Select here to view the full transcript and copyright information.

    Related content

    Written for teachers, but with young students in mind, these science articles below explore several concepts:

    Alternative conceptions about water’s states of matter matches common alternative conceptions with accurate science concepts. It includes suggested teaching points to help make conceptual changes occur.

      Published 22 June 2014 Referencing Hub articles
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