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  • The changing character of our increasingly scientific and technologically dependent society requires a science curriculum to match – one that will adequately prepare students for life and work in the 21st century. In setting the direction for learning, the curriculum must prepare all students to be citizens who can confidently engage with science on a personal and a societal level. It must also prepare sufficient students for careers in science.

    Rights: AgnosticPreachersKid, CC BY-SA 3.0

    Stop global warming sign

    A stop sign reading "STOP GLOBAL WARMING", to raise public awareness. Located at the intersection of 19th and Q Streets, Washington DC during the 2010 blizzard.

    It’s perilous and foolhardy for the average citizen to remain ignorant about global warming, say, or ozone depletion1, air pollution, toxic2 radioactive3 wastes, acid4 rain, topsoil erosion5, tropical deforestation6, exponential population7 growth.

    Carl Sagan

    A curriculum to fit

    The last two decades have seen some radical rethinking of science curriculum documents in many countries. There is a marked shift in the direction of students learning about science and about how science works (the processes, practices and people of science) as well as learning science content (the products of science). We can’t give our students all the science knowledge that they will need in the future (much of the science they will need to know has yet to be discovered), but we can develop a more accurate understanding of the ‘nature of science8’ – of science as a particular way of thinking.

    Developing students’ understanding of the nature of science is now a goal of most science curricula worldwide. A robust understanding of the nature of science – science as a way of thinking – would enable students to leave school capable of looking at socio-scientific9 issues and evaluating what is fruitful, plausible and meaningful in the ‘scientific’ arguments presented – able to use scientific knowledge to make informed personal and societal decisions. Students would leave with an awareness of the role and status of scientific knowledge, an appreciation of its history and development, an understanding of the process of scientific inquiry and the awareness that the people who engage in science are part of that society and influenced by it.

    The New Zealand curriculum

    The revised New Zealand curriculum reflects this international shift in emphasis towards the importance of the nature of science. Rather than just learning science content (the four contextual strands), students are also required (in the nature of science strand) to:

    • learn about science and the people who do science (the ‘Understanding about science’ substrand)
    • do science (the ‘Investigating in science’ substrand)
    • communicate and evaluate science communication (the ‘Communicating in science’ substrand)
    • use their growing scientific knowledge personally in their real worlds and in relevant socio-scientific issues (the ‘Participating and contributing’ substrand).

    Nature of science achievement aims

    Understanding about science

    • Appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world and that science knowledge changes over time.
    • Identify ways in which scientists work together and provide evidence10 to support their ideas.

    Investigating in science

    • Build on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others’ knowledge.
    • Ask questions, find evidence, explore simple models, and carry out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations.

    Communicating in science

    • Begin to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions, and vocabulary.
    • Engage with a range of science texts and begin to question the purposes for which these texts are constructed.

    Participating and contributing

    • Use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
    • Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions.

    These four substrands present a broader picture of the nature of science than the science curricula of many other countries. The nature of science of most curricula would be encompassed by just our ‘Understanding about science’ substrand – where students learn about science as a way of thinking and about how science works, how scientific knowledge is built up and its special features.

    However, the New Zealand curriculum recognises that the nature of science has to be concerned with science as a way of thinking (encompassed in this ‘Understanding about science’ substrand). But a way of thinking doesn’t exist in isolation, so when the students are engaged in the other substrands – investigating in science, communicating or participating in scientific issues – the curriculum intends them to bring this scientific way of thinking.

    The curriculum is structured so that the ‘Understanding about science’ substrand is continually foregrounded and made more explicit in the others.

    Rights: © New Zealand Ministry of Education

    The New Zealand Curriculum

    The New Zealand Curriculum was updated in 2007.

    Related content

    Watch this recorded PLD webinar with Dr Rosemary Hipkins – Enduring competencies for designing science learning pathways.

    Engage learners with these socio-scientific issues:

    Useful link

    Understanding Science is an educational website for teaching and learning about the nature and process of science. It has an interactive flowchart that represents the process of scientific inquiry, with links to relevant teaching and learning resources.

    1. ozone depletion: This term commonly refers to a reduction of ozone molecules in the atmosphere, which protect life on Earth from UV radiation. This is most prevalent over the poles and along the equator.
    2. toxic: Poisonous and harmful.
    3. radioactive: Giving off energy as a result of the breaking up of nuclei of atoms. Something undergoing radioactive decay, the process by which an unstable atom emits radiation.
    4. acid: A hydrogen-containing substance that is capable of donating a hydrogen ion to another substance.
    5. erosion: Wearing away of the land by mechanical action, such as by wind, water and glaciers, and by material carried in them. It can also be the gradual wearing away of a surface due to friction, particle collisions or chemical attack. Part of the process of erosion transports material away.
    6. deforestation: Deforestation is the long-term or permanent loss of forest cover when trees are removed to clear land for another use.
    7. population: In biology, a population is a group of organisms of a species that live in the same place at a same time and that can interbreed.
    8. nature of science: The Nature of Science (NoS), is an overarching and unifying strand of the New Zealand science curriculum. Through it, students develop the skills, attitudes and values to build a foundation for understanding the world around them – understanding how science works in order to make links between scientific knowledge and everyday decisions and actions.
    9. socio-scientific: Combining social and scientific factors.
    10. evidence: Data, or information, used to prove or disprove something.
    Published 7 October 2011, Updated 15 February 2023 Referencing Hub articles
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        ozone depletion

      1. + Create new collection
      2. This term commonly refers to a reduction of ozone molecules in the atmosphere, which protect life on Earth from UV radiation. This is most prevalent over the poles and along the equator.


      3. + Create new collection
      4. A hydrogen-containing substance that is capable of donating a hydrogen ion to another substance.


      5. + Create new collection
      6. In biology, a population is a group of organisms of a species that live in the same place at a same time and that can interbreed.


      7. + Create new collection
      8. Data, or information, used to prove or disprove something.


      9. + Create new collection
      10. Poisonous and harmful.


      11. + Create new collection
      12. Wearing away of the land by mechanical action, such as by wind, water and glaciers, and by material carried in them. It can also be the gradual wearing away of a surface due to friction, particle collisions or chemical attack. Part of the process of erosion transports material away.

        nature of science

      13. + Create new collection
      14. The Nature of Science (NoS), is an overarching and unifying strand of the New Zealand science curriculum. Through it, students develop the skills, attitudes and values to build a foundation for understanding the world around them – understanding how science works in order to make links between scientific knowledge and everyday decisions and actions.


      15. + Create new collection
      16. Giving off energy as a result of the breaking up of nuclei of atoms. Something undergoing radioactive decay, the process by which an unstable atom emits radiation.


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      18. Deforestation is the long-term or permanent loss of forest cover when trees are removed to clear land for another use.


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      20. Combining social and scientific factors.