Our great forests of Tāne-mahuta hold a treasure trove of life that is mostly found only in Aotearoa. Fungi are among Tāne’s descendants, along with plants and animals. Certain kinds of fungi ...
READ MOREIn the early 20th century, New Zealand’s flax industry was a significant money earner, supplying fibre for the world’s rope and linen trade, but the advent of non-renewable synthetic fibres made ...
READ MOREImagine a creature that turns moths into mummies by trapping them in an underground grave before emerging out of their neck to begin the cycle again. Not only does this creature exist, it’s part ...
READ MOREFungi are almost everywhere – in the air you breathe, in lots of the food you eat, in the soil you walk on, in the plants around you, in a stream’s foam bubbles and even on and inside you. As ...
READ MOREEhara te hekaheka i te tipu, ehara hoki i te kararehe. Nā tēnei āhua ōna, ka pai pea hei tāhuhu mō tētahi matapakinga i te akomanga e pā ana ki ngā āhuatanga me ngā whakarōpūtanga o ngā mea ora ...
READ MOREOur ancestors had extensive knowledge of fungi and multiple uses for a number of them. The uses include for kai and rongoā, tā moko and as a tinder to start fires. In this activity, students can ...
READ MOREScience is about discovery, curiosity and observation. Two key outcomes of any activity can simply be enjoyment and the conversations that arise from the experience. Take advantage of young ...
READ MOREIn this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool shares the mahi from a collaboration between Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao – The Science Learning ...
READ MOREJoin Dr Haki Tuaupiki, senior lecturer at the University of Waikato’s Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao (Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies) as he shares knowledge about indigenous voyaging and ...
READ MOREDr Peter Buchanan, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, introduces the wonderful world of fungi. There are more fungal species than there are plant species, and they have a range of roles, both positive ...
READ MOREDr Peter Buchanan, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, talks about the particular dilemmas faced in conserving native fungi. While many of our fungi are endangered, they also cause disease, sometimes on ...
READ MOREDr Peter Buchanan, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, introduces Ophiocordyceps robertsii – the vegetable caterpillar fungus. Native to New Zealand, this fungus invades moth caterpillars and turns them ...
READ MOREAn interactive that shows how early Māori used different fungi for food and medicine.
READ MOREHe mahi pāhekoheko e whakaata ana i te whakamahi a ngāi Māori o nehe i te hekaheka hei kai, hei rongoā anō. Hei tirotiro i te roanga atu o ngā kōrero, ka pāwhiri ai ki ia pouaka whai tapanga ...
READ MOREIn this quiz, students can test their knowledge of fungi.