New technologies can extend our scientific understanding. They can also mean we have to throw out earlier ideas.
Prior to the 1950s and the ‘radiocarbon revolution’, archaeology relied on forms of relative dating and the idea that older things are buried beneath younger things.
Professor Tom Higham is director of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit at Oxford University and Principal Investigator for the PalaeoChron Project. Tom grew up in New Zealand and completed his PhD1 at the Waikato Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at Waikato University. His work has turned many ideas about early human evolution2 and migration on their head.
Tom’s work uses new methods for pre-treating samples before using radiocarbon dating3, redating the fossilised bones that had provided the original evidence4 in previous research on early human evolution.
Palaeolithic period
The movement of our earliest modern ancestors and their effects on other, now extinct, archaic humans living in Eurasia – such as Neanderthals and, of course, now the Denisovans – is one of the most important questions in human evolution studies. In order to understand the period, we need a sturdy chronology underpinning the archaeology and molecular biology.
Prof. Tom Higham
The Palaeolithic period, also known as the Old Stone Age, is the prehistoric period of human history distinguished by the use of stone tools, from about 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 years ago. It is also the period of history when the early hominins of the genus5 Homo habilis– such as Homo habilis – gradually evolved6 to anatomically modern humans – Homo sapiens.
The early part of the period, the Lower Palaeolithic, had hominins7 using basic stone tools. In the Middle Palaeolithic, fire was in use, and there is evidence of the cooking of food. Towards the end of this period, the Upper Palaeolithic, humans began to produce art such as cave paintings, rock art and jewellery and began to engage in ritual behaviour such as burial of the dead.
The Palaeolithic period is also when hominins began to migrate from Africa into Europe, Asia and eventually the rest of the world. This migration to different environments and climates would have in part driven evolutionary adaptation8 as well as the extinction9 of different hominins.
Dating Palaeolithic artefacts is important in order to piece together this part of the story of human evolution and migration. Radiocarbon dating can only date as far back as the Upper Palaeolithic – 50,000 years ago. However, dating Upper Palaeolithic artefacts is challenging because radiocarbon techniques depend on the presence of C-14, and when you get down to 50,000 years ago, you’ve got 0.1%, meaning the tiniest amounts of contamination10 can significantly impact calculations.
The problem of contamination
Any sample for carbon11 dating can be contaminated by artificial or natural sources of carbon.
Any carbon-containing material that affects the C-14 content of a sample is a contaminant12 that can cause inaccurate dates.
Archaeological artefacts like bone13 fossils are usually found embedded in or buried with other materials that may have affected their radiocarbon content. For example, the roots of plants can penetrate bones, introducing a new carbon source. This ‘natural’ contamination can make the samples seem younger than their true age. Alternatively, contamination from limestone (which is made from organic14 materials) can make a sample appear much older than it is.
Artificial contaminants are introduced by people, for example, during excavation or field conservation or when packaging the samples. Labelling bone samples with animal glue is an example of artificial contamination.
In the drive for better accuracy15, many pre-treatments have been devised to clean materials of any contaminants prior to their dating.
The need to more accurately date bone samples led to pre-treatments such as the removal of the organic material from the bone – collagen16 protein17. Prior to this, the entire bone was ground up and used – even though the most reliable carbon was in the 30% that was collagen.
In the 1980s, a technique called ultrafiltration was developed to purify collagen.
An ultrafilter is a molecular sieve that separates high and low molecular weight (MW) fractions. Low MW components can include degraded amino acids18 and peptides and soil-derived contaminants, all of which are discarded after separation.
Roger Jacobi, a Palaeolithic archaeologist colleague of Tom, approached him with questions about some unexpected radiocarbon dates from several sites in the UK. Tom and his team started to reinvestigate the dates using their improved chemical pre-treatment methods. They noticed some significant differences between the previous dates and the newly produced ones. Sometimes the differences were thousands of years. Tom realised they would need to recalculate previous dates with more robust approaches, so they applied for funding and the PalaeoChron Project was born.
The PalaeoChron Project aims to refine and improve the chronology19 of Palaeolithic sites from Western Europe to Siberia.
We want to create this huge map that will allow us to look at the movement of people, the movement of objects, the development of new ideas – the big archaeological questions really.
Prof. Tom Higham
New dates
Tom’s team extracted collagen and used ultrafiltration to pre-treat over 400 Upper Palaeolithic samples from across 40 archaeological sites in Europe.
In some cases, they tested bones that had been previously dated, and in other cases, they dated bones found above these previously dated bones.
The calculated ages were very different from the original dates. In some cases, more than 70% of dates at some of the sites they were looking at were “plain wrong”.
Many of the Neanderthal bones were far older than originally dated. For example, an almost complete Neanderthal infant skeleton found at Mezmaiskaya in the Russian Caucasus was dated at just over 29,000 years BP20. When Tom’s team dated Neanderthal bones from the same collection, found above the infant skeleton, they were expecting a younger date but they got a much older date of 40,000 years BP. This dating was repeated four times, and each time the date was the later one of 40,000 years ago.
You have to know the dates.
Prof. Tom Higham
Rewriting our evolutionary history
The new dates indicate that Neanderthals died out in Europe 10,000 years earlier than previously thought – between 41,000 and 39,000 years ago. These dates coincide with the start of a very cold period in Europe.
The dates also show an overlap in Neanderthal and modern human populations21 of around 5,400 years. This is significant, as previous dating calculations indicated that the populations had only overlapped by about 500 years. This means that ideas around the rapid extinction of Neanderthals caused solely by the arrival of modern humans are no longer likely. The overlap between the two populations also means that Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans could have shared cultural ideas. This is further supported by genetic22 evidence of inbreeding23 between modern humans and Neanderthals.
The new dates also suggest that modern humans arrived in Europe several thousand years earlier than previously thought, possibly as early as 45,000 years ago, meaning that Neanderthals were already in decline24.
Other methods
The PalaeoChron Project is built around a suite of methods for refining radiocarbon dating calculations. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is used to measure the age of sediments25 from excavation sites. OSL can measure back 200,000 years and is useful where the 50,000-year limit of radiocarbon dating is reached.
Another method the PalaeoChron Project has been working with uses collagen peptides – short-chain amino acids26 found in bone – to identify the mammal27 origins. Fragments of bone from archaeological digs are often too small to be identified by their morphology28 and can have been further degraded by having passed through the digestive29 tract of another animal. The method, called zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry (ZooMS), uses chromatography30 to separate out and identify the collagen peptides using high-performance liquid chromatography31 (HPLC).
This method allows researchers to sort hominin bones from those of other animals. The method is also minimally invasive in that only a tiny fraction of the original sample is required, meaning that remaining fragments can be used in different analytical procedures, such as for radiocarbon dating and genetic material for genome sequencing32.
The radiocarbon revolution
Radiocarbon dating developed in the 1950s and had a huge impact on archaeology. It was referred to as the ‘radiocarbon revolution’.
Carbon dating relies on the presence of C-14, a radioactive33 form of carbon. Organisms stop absorbing C-14 when they die, and so the ratio of C-14 to C-12 can be calculated. This is because C-14 radioactively decays to C-12. The half-life34 of C-14 is 5,730 ± 40 years, meaning that it takes 5,730 years for half the C-14 to decay. The ratio of C-14 to C-12 is used to calculate the age of the organism35.
In the late 1970s, a refined technique using smaller samples was developed – accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS).
Athol Rafter set up the first radiocarbon dating facility in New Zealand – the facility at GNS Science is now named the Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory in his honour.
Athol and a colleague also played an important role in recognising the increase in radiocarbon in the atmosphere as a result of above-ground nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s. This allowed for changes in calibration to ensure better accuracy.
Nature of science
The research explored in this article highlights the tentative36 nature of science37 and that scientific ideas need to be re-examined when new evidence comes to light. It also shows the importance of replication and of multiple types of evidence. For example, Tom’s team compared radiocarbon dating calculations with assumptions based on the layers in which samples were found (higher layers should be younger than lower layers).
The Science Learning Hub would like to acknowledge the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, which sponsored and recorded Professor Tom Higham’s lecture When Neanderthals and Modern Humans (and Denisovans) Met: Human Evolution from 60,000–30,000 Years Ago in September 2015.
Useful links
The PalaeoChron Project based at Oxford University has a detailed website with up-to-date blog posts on its work and progress.
Check out our Human evolution Pinterest board for more resources.
- PhD: Abbreviation of Doctor of Philosophy – a degree normally obtained after a concentrated period of research. This is the highest level of degree that involves supervision by academic staff at a university.
- evolution: In biology, the change in the genetic material and/or the behaviour of a population of organisms over time.
- radiocarbon dating: Working out the approximate age of a very old object, such as bones or seeds, by measuring the amount of carbon 14 (C-14) it contains. When an organism dies, it no longer absorbs C-14. The C-14 it does contain in its tissues then starts to decay at a constant rate (half-life of 5,730 ± 40 years). The approximate date at which an organism died can be calculated by measuring the amount of C-14 left.
- evidence: Data, or information, used to prove or disprove something.
- genus: (Plural genera) A division used in the Linnean system of classification or taxonomy. A group of closely related species.
- evolve: To develop gradually. Changes in successive generations over long periods of time.
- hominin: The classification group consisting of modern humans, extinct human species and all our immediate ancestors (including members of the genera Homo, Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Ardipithecus).
- adaptation: A change in the structure or function of something. In biology, a change in a species, as a result of natural selection. Individuals with a particular feature (adaptation) are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals without this feature.
- extinction: In biology, the death of the last remaining individual of a species.
- contamination: The introduction of contaminants into a substance.
- carbon: A non-metal element (C). It is a key component of living things.
- contaminant: An unwanted substance found in an environment, for example, a polluting chemical in a river.
- bone: A specialised form of connective tissue. The presence of the mineral hydroxyapatite helps to give bone its strength and density.
- organic: 1. Molecules that contain carbon and that have a biological origin. 2. Grown using natural processes with nutrients from natural sources.
- accuracy: In science, accuracy indicates the closeness of the measurements to the true or accepted value. In general usage, accuracy can mean precise, exact or correct.
- collagen: Any of various tough, fibrous proteins found in bone, cartilage, skin, and other connective tissue. Collagens have great strength and their job is to form strong insoluble fibres that connect cells. Collagen is converted into gelatin when it is boiled.
- protein: Any of a large class of complex compounds that are essential for life. Proteins play a central role in biological processes and form the basis of living tissues. They have distinct and varied three-dimensional structures. Enzymes, antibodies and haemoglobin are examples of proteins.
- amino acid: The basic building block of proteins. A short chain of amino acids is called a peptide, and a long chain of amino acids (normally more than 50) is called a protein.
- chronology: A list of dates or events in the order in which they occurred.
- BP: ‘Before present’ means before 1950 in relation to radiocarbon dating. 1950 is the date that the calibration curves were established.
- population: In biology, a population is a group of organisms of a species that live in the same place at a same time and that can interbreed.
- genetic: Of, relating to, or determined by genes.
- inbreeding: The production of offspring (babies) by closely related individuals.
- decline: The gradual and continuous loss of something such as bird numbers or sea ice.
- sediments: Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid. In geology, it describes the solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water or ice.
- acid: A hydrogen-containing substance that is capable of donating a hydrogen ion to another substance.
- mammal: A warm-blooded animal, such as a human being, dog or whale, the female of which produces milk from mammary glands to feed her young/newborn offspring.
- morphology: The outward appearance, physical shape or form of an organism.
- digestive system: The group of organs that are involved in the breakdown of food in the body, which includes the stomach and intestines.
- chromatography: A chemical technique used to separate different molecules in a mixture.
- high-performance liquid chromatography: A form of liquid chromatography that separates compounds dissolved in a solution. The solution is passed under high pressure through a solid adsorbent material that affects the flow rates of different compounds, causing them to separate.
- genome sequencing: Identifying the sequence of bases in the genome of an organism.
- radioactive: Giving off energy as a result of the breaking up of nuclei of atoms. Something undergoing radioactive decay, the process by which an unstable atom emits radiation.
- half-life: Used in nuclear physics to describe the time required for half of a given sample to undergo radioactive decay. Used more generally to characterise any type of exponential decay.
- organism: A living thing.
- tentative: Not certain or fixed.
- nature of science: The Nature of Science (NoS), is an overarching and unifying strand of the New Zealand science curriculum. Through it, students develop the skills, attitudes and values to build a foundation for understanding the world around them – understanding how science works in order to make links between scientific knowledge and everyday decisions and actions.