Scientists once thought the most fundamental building block of matter1 was a particle2 called the atom3. Now we know that the atom is made of many smaller pieces, known as subatomic particles4.
Every atom contains a very small, dense, central core called the nucleus5. Apart from hydrogen6, the nucleus of every other atom is made up of particles called protons and neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by mostly empty space, except for very tiny particles called electrons that orbit the nucleus.
One way to picture the hydrogen atom is to think about a large sports stadium. Imagine a grain of rice placed in the centre of the field. This represents the nucleus. The outer row of seats in the stadium is the limit of the electron’s influence. The rest of the atom is empty space. The electron7 seems to be everywhere at once like the seats surrounding the playing area.
Nature of science
Science ideas are subject to change. Change in knowledge is inevitable because new evidence8 may question current theories.
Scientists now believe that protons and neutrons are made of even smaller particles known as quarks.
Quarks are thought to come in a variety of forms. Protons and neutrons are thought to be each made up of three quarks arranged in a slightly different way. The quarks are bonded very tightly together by another type of particle called a gluon9. The gluons effectively ‘glue’ the quarks together. Gluons are thought to be responsible for the strong nuclear force10 that binds the nucleus together. They are called force carrier particles.
In terms of size, picture a large city, like Christchurch, with people moving in the central city square:
- The outer boundary of the city is the limit of the atom.
- The central city square is the nucleus.
- The people in the city square are the protons and neutrons.
- Freckles on the faces of the people are the quarks.
Today, physicists don't know of anything smaller than quarks and electrons, but they don't know for sure whether these are the simplest building blocks of matter.
While we can't see the particles themselves, physicists have designed ingenious experiments that allow them to see the paths, or tracks, of moving particles. Just as skid marks on a road can tell you about a car's behaviour just before an accident, particle tracks tell scientists a lot about how the building blocks of matter behave.
In fact, particle tracking has allowed physicists to identify more than a hundred different kinds of particles and learn important information about them – such as their size and mass11, how they interact with other particles and their role in the universe12.
Probing more deeply
A series of experiments has been planned for the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest particle accelerator13. The data14 obtained will, on careful analysis, allow scientists to gain a deeper understanding of the origin of the universe as well as the structure of matter.
The experiments being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider will allow physicists to probe even more deeply into atomic structure15. The circulating particles in the collider can be raised to extremely high energies. When the particles are allowed to collide16, a state of energy-matter that existed in the initial few microseconds following the Big Bang17 origin of the universe will be formed. The data collected from the collider will be used to confirm or dispute some current theories physicists have about atomic structure18 and how atoms were formed in the instant of time after the Big Bang.
Activity idea
In the activity, Big Bang theory, students gain understanding of the role the Large Hadron Collider19 is playing in exploring the current models for the structure of matter.
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- matter: The basic structural component of all things that have mass and volume.
- particle: A tiny piece of matter. A particle may refer to an atom, part of an atom, a molecule or an ion.
- atom: The smallest possible unit of matter that still maintains an element’s identity during chemical reactions. Atoms contain one or more protons and neutrons (except hydrogen (H), which normally contains no neutrons) in a nucleus around which one or more electrons move.
- subatomic particles: Particles that make up atoms – the building blocks of matter. The three basic ones are protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons are themselves made of even smaller particles called quarks.
- nucleus: 1. The very small, very dense, positively charged centre of an atom containing protons and neutrons. 2. Part of the cell that contains the cell’s hereditary information (DNA) and controls the cell’s processes.
- hydrogen: First element on the periodic table – symbol H, with the atomic number of 1, meaning that it has a single proton in its nucleus.
- electron: A light subatomic particle with negative charge, found in the space surrounding an atomic nucleus.
- evidence: Data, or information, used to prove or disprove something.
- gluon: An elementary particle that carries the strong, or nuclear, force. Quarks that make up protons and neutrons are effectively ‘glued’ together by gluons.
- force: A push or a pull that causes an object to change its shape, direction and/or motion.
- mass: The amount of matter an object has, measured in kilograms.
- universe: All matter and energy, including the Earth, the galaxies and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.
- particle accelerator: A device, such as a cyclotron or linear accelerator, that accelerates charged subatomic particles or nuclei to high energies. Also called an atom smasher.
- data: The unprocessed information we analyse to gain knowledge.
- atomic structure: The way in which atoms are arranged in a molecule
- collide: When two or more objects, including particles, briefly come into contact with each other.
- Big Bang: This theory describes that the universe originated approximately 14 billion years ago from a violent explosion of a very small concentration of matter of extremely high density and temperature.
- atomic structure: The way in which atoms are arranged in a molecule
- Large Hadron Collider (LHC): A gigantic scientific instrument 27 km in diameter, constructed 100 m underground near Geneva, on the border between Switzerland and France. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles – the fundamental building blocks of all things.