We may be aware of the conservation problems facing kiwi, tuatara, hoiho (yellow-eyed penguin), kākāpo and black robin, but what do we know about the unique challenges faced by New Zealand fungi ...
READ MOREFungi are almost everywhere – in the air you breathe, in lots of the food you eat, in the soil you walk on, in the plants around you, in a stream’s foam bubbles and even on and inside you. As ...
READ MOREMyrtle rust is a serious biosecurity threat, and help is needed to monitor its spread. This citizen science project aims to gather information on the location, hosts and intensity of this fungal ...
READ MORECapture wild microbes and turn them into bread – for science! This is a project you could do with your students in the classroom or they can do at home. Microbes are found in every environment on ...
READ MOREHelp this global project to develop a faster test for antibiotic resistance by looking inside bacteria that have been treated with antibiotics. This will improve healthcare for patients with ...
READ MOREScience is about discovery, curiosity and observation. Two key outcomes of any activity can simply be enjoyment and the conversations that arise from the experience. Take advantage of young ...
READ MOREOur bodies have a defence system against pathogens that make us sick. This defence system is made up of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect us. It is known as the immune ...
READ MOREStudents investigate silage production and test a stream to see if run-off from silage is polluting it. Students then produce a pamphlet of their findings to educate the community. Purpose To ...
READ MOREDr Wendy Williamson of ESR’s water management team explains that viruses are extremely small infectious particles that need to infect cells in order to replicate themselves. Viruses infect every ...
READ MOREDr Peter Buchanan, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, talks about the particular dilemmas faced in conserving native fungi. While many of our fungi are endangered, they also cause disease, sometimes on ...
READ MOREDr Peter Buchanan, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, describes the role of fungi as decomposers and in causing disease.
READ MOREAn interactive that shows how early Māori used different fungi for food and medicine.
READ MOREHe mahi pāhekoheko e whakaata ana i te whakamahi a ngāi Māori o nehe i te hekaheka hei kai, hei rongoā anō. Hei tirotiro i te roanga atu o ngā kōrero, ka pāwhiri ai ki ia pouaka whai tapanga ...
READ MOREThis interactive explains the different cells, microorganisms and molecules involved in the human immune system. Click on the labels for more information. Select here to view the full transcript ...