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  • apple germplasm at Plant & Food Research visualised as a pyramid
    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Published 25 May 2011 Size: 66 KB Referencing Hub media

    The total apple germplasm1 at Plant & Food Research can be visualised as a pyramid. At the bottom are the genetically diverse apples of the germplasm collection. Higher in the pyramid, quality increases but genetic diversity2 decreases. Breeding programmes bring together materials from throughout the pyramid to produce new cultivars.

    1. germplasm: A set of genetic resources for an organism. Germplasm can either come from seeds or living tissue from which new plants can be grown.
    2. genetic diversity: The variety of genetic material within a single species of organism that permits the organism to adapt to changes in the environment.
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    2. A set of genetic resources for an organism. Germplasm can either come from seeds or living tissue from which new plants can be grown.

      genetic diversity

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    4. The variety of genetic material within a single species of organism that permits the organism to adapt to changes in the environment.