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  • Illustration by Isobel Te Aho-White from article Te Tapa Ingoa.
    Rights: Nō te Karauna te manatārua nā Isobel Te Aho-White te pikitia, i tētahi ātikara Te Tapa Ingoa. Published 17 June 2024 Size: 350 KB Referencing Hub media

    Ki tā te iwi Māori, he whanaunga ngā momo katoa nā te whakapapa, te whanaungatanga rānei. I ngā orokoranga Māori, ka hono katoa ngā mea i te ao ki a Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku. Nā tēnei pou tarāwaho, ka herea tātou katoa nā te whakapapa.

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