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  • Six tall glass jars re-purposed to hold dried food items.
    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Published 8 March 2022 Size: 3.3 MB Referencing Hub media

    We can reduce the amount of rubbish that we produce.

    We can reuse items rather than throwing them away.

    We can recycle items for similar or new uses. For example, old curtains can be remade into reusable shopping bags. Materials can be put through a chemical process to reuse the chemical components into new items. For example, plastic1 bottles can be used to make fleece clothing. Even composting is a chemical process that changes food and vegetable matter into compost for the garden.

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    1. plastic: A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers (such as polyethylene, PVC and nylon) that can be moulded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form.
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    2. A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers (such as polyethylene, PVC and nylon) that can be moulded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form.