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  • Scientist in lab testing prototype vine clip with a soil sample
    Rights: Showdown Productions Published 21 July 2021 Size: 2.1 MB Referencing Hub media

    Dr Stephanie Weal inserts a prototype1 vine clip into a soil sample for testing at the Scion Biodegradation Facility. This facility is used to measure the aerobic compostability of materials such as bioplastics, paper and wood and to quantify the time it takes for materials to biodegrade.

    1. prototype: A trial working model or preliminary version of something. Sometimes a prototype might be smaller than the final version of an engineered object, so that the engineers can check if the design works before committing themselves to large-scale commercial production.
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    2. A trial working model or preliminary version of something. Sometimes a prototype might be smaller than the final version of an engineered object, so that the engineers can check if the design works before committing themselves to large-scale commercial production.