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  • A Bryde’s whale and seabirds in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand
    Rights: Aucklandwhale, CC BY-SA 4.0 Published 31 July 2019 Size: 1.2 MB Referencing Hub media

    A population1 of the endangered2 Bryde’s whale live in the Hauraki Gulf. Anthropogenic3 noise4 is an increasing concern for Bryde’s whales, as they communicate by low-frequency sounds.

    1. population: In biology, a population is a group of organisms of a species that live in the same place at a same time and that can interbreed.
    2. endangered: A species that is possibly going to become extinct soon due to limited numbers of individuals alive or not enough habitat to live in.
    3. anthropogenic: Changes in nature caused or influenced by humans.
    4. noise: 1. Loud or undesired sound that interferes with the ability to hear. 2. Unwanted signals or disturbance in a device. 3. Irrelevant or meaningless data or output, which occurs alongside desired data.
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    2. In biology, a population is a group of organisms of a species that live in the same place at a same time and that can interbreed.


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    4. 1. Loud or undesired sound that interferes with the ability to hear.

      2. Unwanted signals or disturbance in a device.

      3. Irrelevant or meaningless data or output, which occurs alongside desired data.


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    6. A species that is possibly going to become extinct soon due to limited numbers of individuals alive or not enough habitat to live in.


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    8. Changes in nature caused or influenced by humans.