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  • Violet and green lasers shining through bottles of tonic water.
    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Published 21 June 2019 Size: 110 KB Referencing Hub media

    Violet and green lasers shining through a bottle of tonic water illustrating the fluorescence1 of quinine2. The green laser does not have enough energy to cause fluorescence in the quinine but the violet laser does.

    1. fluorescence: The giving out of light when atoms are excited by an external energy source, such as light (but not heat).
    2. quinine: A bitter compound from the cinchona tree with medicinal and culinary uses.
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    2. The giving out of light when atoms are excited by an external energy source, such as light (but not heat).


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    4. A bitter compound from the cinchona tree with medicinal and culinary uses.