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  • Diagram of the predator plague cycle.
    Rights: Department of Conservation, Crown Copyright. CC BY 4.0. Published 4 June 2019 Size: 270 KB Referencing Hub media

    When it masts, the increased abundance of seed1 leads to much higher rodent2 and stoat numbers. These introduced pests prey on endangered3 birds.

    1. seed: 1. Part of the sexual reproduction of angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (cone plants). Contains an embryo and its food store, which creates a new plant when conditions are right. 2. Offspring or progeny.
    2. rodent: A group of mammals that has strong, constantly growing incisors (front teeth) and no canines. Includes rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters and porcupines.
    3. endangered: A species that is possibly going to become extinct soon due to limited numbers of individuals alive or not enough habitat to live in.
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    2. 1. Part of the sexual reproduction of angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (cone plants). Contains an embryo and its food store, which creates a new plant when conditions are right.

      2. Offspring or progeny.


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    4. A group of mammals that has strong, constantly growing incisors (front teeth) and no canines. Includes rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters and porcupines.


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    6. A species that is possibly going to become extinct soon due to limited numbers of individuals alive or not enough habitat to live in.