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  • Child with mouth held open showing cavities and teeth decay
    Rights: Ilya Andriyanov, 123RF Ltd Published 20 August 2018 Size: 2.2 MB Referencing Hub media

    The New Zealand Ministry of Health reports that tooth decay is “the single most common chronic1 disease2 for New Zealanders”.

    1. chronic: Lasting over a long period of time, or slow to heal, often refers to disease or injury.
    2. diseases: 1. An abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions. 2. In plants, an abnormal condition that interferes with vital physiological processes.
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    2. Lasting over a long period of time, or slow to heal, often refers to disease or injury.


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    4. 1. An abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions.

      2. In plants, an abnormal condition that interferes with vital physiological processes.