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  • Auckland Cave wētā (Gymnoplectron acanthocera) lit by torch.
    Rights: Phil Bendle, Creative Commons 3.0 Published 22 November 2016 Size: 2.7 MB Referencing Hub media

    Cave wētā cannot hear. They use their antennae1 to navigate. This is an Auckland Cave wētā (Gymnoplectron acanthocera).

    1. antenna: In physics a device used to transmit or receive electromagnetic signals such as for radio or television. Also known as an aerial. A satellite dish is a type of antenna. In biology antennae are sensory appendages that occur in pairs on the heads of insects and many other arthropods. Antenna refers to one of the jointed, movable appendages.
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    2. In physics a device used to transmit or receive electromagnetic signals such as for radio or television. Also known as an aerial. A satellite dish is a type of antenna.

      In biology antennae are sensory appendages that occur in pairs on the heads of insects and many other arthropods. Antenna refers to one of the jointed, movable appendages.