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  • Seismic reflection data traces waves travelling through rocks
    Rights: Adam Vonk Published 10 June 2008 Size: 340 KB Referencing Hub media

    Seismic reflection1 data2 traces waves travelling through the rocks (similar to earthquake waves). These waves change speed and reflect (bounce back) at the contact between different rock types. This provides clues to the geology3 below the surface.

    1. reflection: 1. The change in direction, or bouncing back of a wave when it strikes a surface. 2. Mirroring. 3. Casting back, as in light or heat.
    2. data: The unprocessed information we analyse to gain knowledge.
    3. geology: Study of the origin, history and structure of the Earth; the geological features of an area.
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    2. 1. The change in direction, or bouncing back of a wave when it strikes a surface.

      2. Mirroring.

      3. Casting back, as in light or heat.


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    4. The unprocessed information we analyse to gain knowledge.


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    6. Study of the origin, history and structure of the Earth; the geological features of an area.