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  • New Zealand Soil Classification System inforgraphic.
    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Published 30 July 2013 Size: 270 KB Referencing Hub media

    Soil scientists use the New Zealand Soil Classification1 System to identity soil names. Soils are classified according to their physical, chemical and morphological2 characteristics.

    1. classification: To arrange or organise by a set of chosen characteristics. In biology, the process of ordering living things into a system that allows scientists to identify them. Modern science uses the Linnaean system of classification where organisms are grouped based on what species they are most closely related to. In soil science, the grouping of soils with a similar range of chemical, physical and biological properties into units that can be geo-referenced and mapped.
    2. morphological: The visible, physical characteristics of an organism.
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    2. To arrange or organise by a set of chosen characteristics. In biology, the process of ordering living things into a system that allows scientists to identify them. Modern science uses the Linnaean system of classification where organisms are grouped based on what species they are most closely related to. In soil science, the grouping of soils with a similar range of chemical, physical and biological properties into units that can be geo-referenced and mapped.


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    4. The visible, physical characteristics of an organism.