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  • Landslides on a steep, mudstone slope north of Whanganui, NZ.
    Rights: Crown Copyright: Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (2004) Reference: 10060231 Title: Floods Photographer: Astrid VanMeeuwen-Dijkgraaf Date: 2004 Location: Wanganui Conservancy Published 30 July 2013 Size: 360 KB Referencing Hub media

    The erosion1 of steep hill country pasture has occurred in most regions of the North Island. It occurs when bush has been replaced by pasture. The slips are then caused by saturated soil following rainfall.

    1. erosion: Wearing away of the land by mechanical action, such as by wind, water and glaciers, and by material carried in them. It can also be the gradual wearing away of a surface due to friction, particle collisions or chemical attack. Part of the process of erosion transports material away.
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    2. Wearing away of the land by mechanical action, such as by wind, water and glaciers, and by material carried in them. It can also be the gradual wearing away of a surface due to friction, particle collisions or chemical attack. Part of the process of erosion transports material away.