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  •  New plants growing up from underground rhizome Libertia sp
    Rights: The University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Published 2 February 2014 Size: 380 KB Referencing Hub media

    Vegetative reproduction1 – three new plants growing up from underground rhizome2 of New Zealand native3 iris Libertia sp. The parent is the larger plant in the background on the left.

    1. vegetative reproduction: A new plant is produced without sexual reproduction, so it has the same genes as the parent. A new plant can form from various parts, above or below ground.
    2. rhizome: Underground stem.
    3. native: A species that lives naturally in a country, as opposed to species that have been introduced by the activity of humans. 
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      vegetative reproduction

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    2. A new plant is produced without sexual reproduction, so it has the same genes as the parent. A new plant can form from various parts, above or below ground.


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    4. Underground stem.


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    6. A species that lives naturally in a country, as opposed to species that have been introduced by the activity of humans.