Learn about raumati with free family-friendly activities, workshops and performances at Te Papa.

In te ao Māori1, summer is known as raumati. During the summer months, Rehua is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

There is a well-known whakataukī2, ‘Te tātarakihi, te pihareinga; ko ngā manu ēnā o Rehua’ (the locust and the cricket are Rehua’s songbirds), because these creatures sing when the heat3 of summer has arrived.

Come along and learn about ngā manu a rehua and the other creatures who are active in te taiao4 during the summer months.

Activities include:

  • learn about kihikihi from Lead Curator Invertebrates5 Julia Kasper
  • summer creation and waiata6 station
  • explore Bush City and create manu sounds with taonga7 puoro
  • face painting
  • a quiet space with games.

Location: Red Gates, Amphitheatre, Bush City, Level 1 outside, Te Papa Tongarewa, 55 Cable Street, Wellington.

Find out more here: www.tepapa.govt.nz/visit/events/whanau-day-nga-manu-a-rehua-the-birds-of-rehua.

For tamariki8 5 years and under – you might be interested in Tamariki Time: Te Tangi a Hineraumati – the Sounds of Summer on 21 February.

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Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Te Papa is New Zealand’s national museum. Its vision for the future is to change hearts, minds and lives. Te Papa’s role is to be a forum for the nation to present, explore and preserve the heritage of its cultures and knowledge of the natural environment.

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