In this talk, Reg Harris will take you on a trip looking at the biological substances and processes behind the growth, development and behaviour of plants. It will, for example, reveal unexpected connections between supplejack and gaseous ethylene, and between salicylic acid [precursor to our everyday Aspirin] and plants’ ability to alert each other to the threats from pathogens.
It will reveal how the chaos of autumn colour is really under strict control at ‘nano-level’. The talk will also introduce some lesser-known and somewhat mysterious interactions between plants and fungi. And it will bring a little bit of the beautiful betalains into your life.
This talk is part of the Wellington Botanic Garden ‘Insights’ programme.
Free entry for the Friends, public entry by koha. You’re welcome to bring along your own ‘brown bag’ lunch to enjoy during the talk.
Location: Treehouse Seminar RoomWellington Botanic Garden, 101 Glenmore St, Kelburn, Wellington
For more information: