David Barrell, GNS Science is well known for his breadth of knowledge of New Zealand’s geology, geological history, and understanding of the interplay of processes that have produced, and will continue to shape, the Aotearoa landscape. He has been a key contributor to the QMAP programme, has done research on seismotectonic, landslide and liquefaction hazards, and has led significant paleoclimate research outputs. David's enthusiasm for New Zealand’s landscapes and ability to communicate knowledge to many scientific and public groups makes him a great candidate for this award.

David's lecture will explore forthcoming changes to Aotearoa’s coast, and underscore scientific questions, the pathway of discovery and enquiry, and what it means in wider contexts of Zealandia’s geological, tectonic, and landscape evolution. The presentation will be framed as a case example of how years of robust observations address important scientific questions and yield thought-provoking results.

The Hochstetter Lecture is a public talk and all are welcome to attend.

For more information and full tour schedule, see here: https://gsnz.org.nz/news-and-events/hochstetter-lecture


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