Save the Frogs Day is an annual campaign to help raise awareness about the plight of frog species worldwide. Amphibians – and frogs in particular – are in sharp decline around the globe.

Factors such as habitat loss, pollution, climate change and disease have contributed to this decline, pushing many frog species to the brink of extinction. Help raise awaremenss of this small creatures and the important role the play in the ecosystem.

See the Save the Frogs Day website:

Related content

Want to know more about frogs in Aotearoa New Zealand? See the Hub’s article Native frogs to learn more about their unique features.

The Connected article Kimihia Kermit describes how students and Ngāti Mutunga teamed up with an ecologist to investigate frog populations in North Taranaki. Frogs for the future? is a ready-to-use cross-curricular teaching resource and uses Kimihia Kermit as the starting point.

For more resources, browse the range of content under our reptiles and amphibians topic.

Useful links

Visit the Department of Conservation website for more information about frogs and frog conservation.

The NZFROG website has lots of information about frogs in New Zealand and what is being done to save them. follow them on X: _NZFrogs or Instagram.

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