March is Whio Awareness Month.

These unique birds are some of the only ducks in the world to live in fast flowing streams. Their presence is a great indicator of healthy river ecosystems. But, with less than 3,000 left in New Zealand, we've got to do our best to keep them around!

Rights: Bubs Smith, Department of Conservation

Whio pair

Whio stay together as monogamous pairs and usually hold the same territory for life.

For further information, fun whio activities and more:

Find out more about whio

Related articles

The Hubs have lots of great articles on the whio:

Related professional learning development

Check out our teacher PLD sessions related to whio, that were run with the support of the Department of Conservation:


The activities below are all related to whio and are a great way to extend you own, and your student’s knowledge, about whio:

See all events