This term’s Hive Mind will be looking at low cost, low risk, big wow activities with the aim to make planning for your science topic easier and more fun. It will be led by Emily and Alan from Science in a Van.

Hive Mind is a free-to-access online space where you can meet once a term to celebrate and share the amazing ways that primary and intermediate teachers are getting hands-on science into their classrooms.

Rights: Science in a Van

Hive Mind PLD

Hive Mind is a free PLD webinar series focussed on celebrating and sharing primary science ideas. It is run by Science in a Van with the support of the Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao.

Get involved in a teacher-fed online forum facilitated by Science in a Van in partnership with their friends from Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao. Hear how teachers have made topics work in their own classrooms, share questions and ideas, and gain insights around the scientific concepts.

During the Hive Mind session, you will:

  • Hear how other teachers plan to get science into their classrooms.
  • Have an opportunity to share your own plans.
  • Be able to bounce ideas, resources and activities around with other teachers.
  • See some hands-on demonstrations/experiments from Science in a Van that you’ll be able to recreate in your classroom.
  • Be equipped with basic science concepts from the Science Learning Hub team.

See here more information and to register go here.

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Explore our newly created collection of low cost, low risk, big wow activities. Find out more about how to make this collection part of your own so you can share, collaborate and more with others in your team/class.

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