The Science Learning Hub’s Greta Dromgool will host Pauline Waiti and Rosemary Hipkins in this upcoming webinar.

The report Enduring Competencies for Designing Science Learning Pathways introduced the idea of exploring both science and mātauranga Māori1 as knowledge systems. Thinking about knowledge as a system is likely to be an unfamiliar idea for many teachers. In this webinar we will unpack the metaphor, using familiar science concepts to show which of them might be appropriately explored through both knowledge lenses (i.e. science and mātauranga Māori) and when this might not be helpful.

Overall, our aim will be to show how our thinking habits and frameworks are influenced by our primary knowledge system, in ways that can be invisible to us. Having two knowledge systems to draw on is a taonga2 because it helps us become aware of differences in how we see the world that might otherwise remain hidden.

Rights: Brooklyn Kahuroa

Knowledge systems

The artwork Strands Intertwined contains a DNA strand worked into the landscape, with earth on one side and a sky full of stars on the other. The artist's concept was that science could bring the land and the whānau together.

This session will be valuable for all educators.

Register here

During the webinar we'll be live tweeting summarised points with the hashtags #SLH_webinar and #SLH_PLD on our Twitter feed.

Follow these simple steps to join our webinar:

  1. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android by clicking on the link and following the instructions. You can also access Zoom on your phone, just follow the prompts.
  2. Find the chat box located in the toolbar at the bottom of your screen. You may need to access this by clicking on ‘More’.
  3. Using the chat box, introduce yourself, where you teach and, if you are in a group, how many people are there.
  4. Set up your screen for optimal viewing. If you’re using a mobile device, you may wish to view in landscape. We recommend selecting a thumbnail view of the presenters – this way you can easily see what is being shared on the screen.

Then you can:

  1. watch, listen and respond via chat to the presentation and discussion
  2. ask questions using the chat box at any time

The Science Learning Hub team will be there to support you and answer questions.

Related content

Earlier this year Dr Rose Hipkins presented on Enduring competencies for designing science learning pathways.

If you are interested in the competency Drawing on different knowledge systems, you may wish to watch our previous recorded webinars Local curriculum, mātauranga and science and Whakanui pūtaiao.

Useful links

The article Enduring competencies for designing science learning pathways by Rosemary Hipkins, Sara Tolbert, Bronwen Cowie and Pauline Waiti explores the concepts covered during this webinar in depth.
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