Regenerating our landscape with native forest is the mission of this conference. Tāne’s Tree Trust, in partnership with Pure Advantage, is taking O Tātou Ngahere to an important next level to produce a conference that builds on the successful programme of work behind the campaign.

Join to hear directly from the experts in an event that will shine more light on the WHY and HOW of native forest regeneration and management.

There will be various sponsors joining the endeavour, such as Trees That Count who are working to build a movement mobilising all New Zealanders to help regenerate the whenua via an innovative digital marketplace to connect tree funders and planters.

This will be a two-day programme aimed to focus Aotearoa on weaving more native forest back into our working lands.

There is a wide range of speakers – hear from some of the world’s leading thinkers, practitioners and experts on climate change and the native forest of Aotearoa.

For further information and to register, see:

Location: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, 55 Cable Street, Wellington

The Sponsors

Sponsors don’t just grow on trees, join the movement to regenerate native forest in Aotearoa.

  • O Tātou Ngahere – Our Forest, is a comprehensive programme of research that details how native forests can be integrated into our whenua for the benefit of all.
  • Tāne’s Tree Trust is a non-profit Charitable Trust focused on encouraging the use of New Zealand indigenous tree species for biodiversity, landscape enhancement, cultural benefits, and providing the option for sustainable production of high-quality timber and other resources.
  • Trees That Count are managed by environmental charity Project Crimson are are helping Kiwis plant more native trees across Aotearoa New Zealand.

For schools

From botanists to climate strikers, taonga pūoro artists to native planting facilitators, the panel of 6 outstanding rangatahi will inspire and challenge students to a new vision for our ngahere.

If you are an official school only, use this link to register for virtual attendance to the panel which will be livestreamed from Te Papa on Friday 28 October at approximately 10.25am.

Thanks to The Tindall Foundation, who are funding all official classrooms, student groups, student representatives or school club's who register to attend the panel online before Wednesday 26 October at 6pm.

Related content

For more information about trees, see our:

See our tree Pinterest board for a range of resources.

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