One third of the food produced globally goes to waste.

Bread, leftovers, oranges, potatoes, poultry, stalks, skins and more – a huge amount of food is thrown away daily, which affects each of us financially, socially and environmentally.

Come and hear about some of the world’s best food waste practices. Understand what other cities, communities, businesses and individuals are doing to reduce the amount of food that doesn't make it to our plates.

Ideas covered are:

  • the journey of food and its vulnerability
  • how we can reframe and redefine waste
  • how food can strengthen and connect communities
  • how to create delicious meals from food that would have otherwise been wasted.

Venue: Kaibosh Food Rescue, 13 Hopper Street, Wellington

For more information and tickets:

Related content

The Hubs have many resources that supports this, start with this article that lists many of our resources on Recycling and biodegradability.

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