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This article lists the range of resources on the Science Learning Hub for primary teachers related to the night sky in the Planet Earth and Beyond strand of the New Zealand Curriculum.
This introductory article curates many of our resources on traditional astronomical knowledge.
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This article introduces our collection of resources on how New Zealand astronomers use new technologies to learn about stars and galaxies and to find new planets. Learn about our Solar System at the same time.
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This interactive provides background information about 4 kinds of telescopes - 2 that operate from the surface of the Earth and 2 that operate in space - along with the type of image it is likely to show.
This information about the electromagnetic spectrum is useful for extension.
This quiz uses information from the Space observatory interactive.
The online quiz provides feedback on answers. There is a paper-based version in the activity Exploring with telescopes.
Some of the science concepts are advanced, but the quiz is a fun way to extend keen learners.
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The student handout in this activity is in Word, so edit it to better meet student needs. The planet information cards are very handy and can be used as a stand-alone resource.
This activity can be used to get student to start thinking about the role of rockets and some of the things they have been used for. It is also a good opportunity for students to think about distances in space.
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