This collection supports the House of Science resource kit – but it is also useful for anyone interested in light and colour.

Learning about light and colour is part of the science strand Physical World: Physical inquiry and physics concepts.

Learning about the human eye is part of the science strand Living World: Life processes.

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Glossary and subject-specific terms

Articles on the Science Learning Hub all have a glossary page. Here you will find key words and what they mean.

Under the article's title, there's a glossary tab to the right of the resource tab. It lists the glossary words in the article. You can select and download terms that are helpful. The PLD article Using our glossary provides additional information.

Eliciting prior knowledge and possible alternative conceptions

The following resources provide helpful information about common alternative conceptions that students (and adults) may hold. Awareness helps educators identify them when they surface in discussions and provides an opportunity to scaffold change.

Sources of light

Learning objective (levels 1-4)

Students understand that sources of light can be artificial (man-made) or naturally occurring.

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Investigating mirrors

Learning Objective (levels 1-4)

We see objects because light rays enter our eyes after bouncing off objects. This bouncing of light off objects is known as reflection.

Challenge older students to work their way through this activity. Great for those needing extension or who like to solve puzzles.

Light lessons with a laser

Learning Objective (levels 2-4)

Students understand that:

  • light travels in a straight line
  • a beam of light changes direction when it is bounced off a surface.

This is also useful as an extension activity. It uses an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the angle of reflraction.

Making rainbows

Learning Objectives (levels 3-4)

Students understand that white light is a collection of component colours that can be observed using a rectangular prism.

Observing and discussing images can be a useful way to elicit students' prior knowledge and thinking.

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How we see colour

Learning Objectives (levels 3-4)

Students understand that the colours we see are a result of which wavelengths of white light have been absorbed by an object and which wavelengths have been reflected.

Use this image to begin a discussion or to continue the discussion after the activity. Challenge students to create their own image, using different colours.

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Characteristics of colour

Learning Objective (levels 1-4)

Students understand and can discuss the 3 main characteristics of colour - hue, chroma and value.

Activity idea

To model blue sky and a red sunset, try shining white light from a torch or a projector into a glass container of water with a few drops of milk in it. You should see a blue haze from the sides. If you look to the far end of the container, you should notice the light has a reddish hue.

Mixing colours

Learning Objectives (levels 2-4)

Students understand how the chroma and value characteristics of a hue (colour) can be changed.

Printing colour

Learning Objective (levels 1-4)

Students visualise the absorption of the primary colours of light (red, green and blue) by the primary colours of pigments (cyan, magenta and yellow) producing a multitude of different colours.

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