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This activity works as a useful comprehension tool that asks students to process the information from their reading into a different format.
As a launch, this activity could lead to:
This article tells a story of science. It includes the people that write the story of science, in this case a student from Howick College. It tells his story of critique and investigation.
To support students to appreciate the way this critique was carried out, students could be challenged to produce no more than a seven slide pr
For teachers in Māori medium, this interactive offers students the opportunity to not only learn about the knowledge of their ancestors but also to critique its adaptation to this multi-media context.
Teachers in English medium can also be asking their students:
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For teachers in Māori medium, this interactive offers students the opportunity to not only learn about the knowledge of their ancestors but also to critique its adaptation to this multi-media context.
Teachers in English medium can also be asking their students:
This page offers a series of short video clips that will support students engaging with the capability of engaging with science. As teachers one of the many challenges is to develop scientist profiles that invite both Māori and non-Māori into membership of the discipline of science. These video clips look at the increased benefit to science from partnerships with Māori and with traditional knowledge to direct scientific exploration alongside deep consid
An image like this could be used as a prompt for close observation of harakeke in their area. What time of year do you think this image was taken? What data are you basing this on? Can you generate your own data set to support your hypothesis?
Students may revert to generalisations such as it must be in spring because plants flower in spring- which invites the question, do all plants
This image could be great for generating observations and potentially challenging stereotypes. Students could be invited to make observations, and then to work with a buddy to critique them and discard any inferences. This list is then contributed to a class observation. Teachers will need to be alert to inferences sneaking in at this point. Students could then be invited to make inferences based on their data. Are they using tentative language that leaves
Looking at this image, what connections
This is from this interactive that curates videos from Ngāi Tahu along with supporting resources to explore 12 mahinga kai practices, including rongoā.
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